Jobs Board | VETtrack

Our Staff

Experienced staff with outstanding skills...

Western Technical College is managed and operated by very experienced staff with outstanding skills, strong partnerships with industry and a proven track record in the preparation of work-ready graduates.

John Konopka, College Principal
Steven Hicks, Director - Western Technical College
Kelly Martin, Administration and Operations Officer

Pictured: Shane Gubbin, Louise Murphy (CESA), Gabriele Nardecia (TAFE SA)and our first ever all female class 2022.


Our Educators

Our educators are industry experts.

They are experienced trainers provided by TAFE SA, South Australia's largest vocational education and training provider.

Western Technical College is a joint initiative of Catholic Church Endowment Society Incorporated and the South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools and has been developed in partnership with the State Government of South Australia and the Mount Carmel College Community including the Rosewater Trade Training Centre and its partnership with the Federal Government.

western technical college... shape your future